How to identify martins and swallows
This ID guide is for the Fairy Martin, Tree Martin, Welcome Swallow and White-backed Swallow.
How to identify common ducks
This ID guide is for common Australian ducks - Australian Wood Duck, Chestnut Teal, Grey Teal and Pacific Black Duck.
How to identify corellas
This ID guide is for Australia's three corella species - the Little, Long-billed and Western Corella.
How to identify cormorants
This ID guide is for all cormorants living in Australia - Black-faced, Great, Little Black and Little Pied Cormorant.
How to identify Australia’s corvids
This ID guide is for Australia’s ravens and crows - Australian Raven, Forest Raven, Little Crow, Little Raven and Torresian Crow.
How to identify egrets
This ID guide will help you tell apart the Cattle Egret, Eastern Great Egret, Little Egret and Plumed Egret.
How to identify gulls
This ID guide is for three Australian gull species - Silver, Pacific and Kelp Gull.
How to identify kites
This ID guide is for Australia’s 6 kite species - Black, Black-shouldered, Brahminy, Letter-winged, Square-tailed and Whistling.
How to identify Little Brown Birds
This ID guide is for 6 common little brown birds - the thornbills (Brown, Inland, Striated, Tasmanian), the Western Gerygone and the White-browed Scrubwren.
How to identify Little Yellow Birds
This ID guide for 6 common species - the thornbills (Buff-rumped, Yellow and Yellow-rumped), the gerygones (Fairy and White-throated, the Eastern Robin and the Weebill. A How-to for Little Brown Birds is also available here.
How to identify Neophema parrots
This ID guide is for Neophema parrots (Australia’s grass parrots) - the Blue-winged, Elegant, Orange-bellied, Rock, Scarlet-chested, Turquoise and Bourke’s Parrots.
How to identify lorikeets
This ID guide is for 7 mainland lorikeets - the Little, Musk, Purple-crowned, Rainbow, Red-collared, Scaly-breasted and Varied.
How to identify terns
This ID guide is for 7 mainland lorikeets - the Little, Musk, Purple-crowned, Rainbow, Red-collared, Scaly-breasted and Varied.