How to identify common ducks

4 minute read
This ID guide is for common Australian ducks - Australian Wood Duck, Chestnut Teal, Grey Teal and Pacific Black Duck.

Australian Wood Duck

An upright duck that nests in tree-hollows and can make lots of noise when perched on branches.
Female: black mane, pale eye stripes, shorter bill
Male: black mane, chestnut head, spotted head

Photo of female Australian Wood Duck with annotations to describe the body parts mentioned in the text

Chestnut Teal

Small dabbling duck with a rounded head and high forehead.
Female: mottled dark brown and grey feathers, darker feathers around the eye
Male: dark metallic green head, white patch on lower wing, black tail

Photo of female Chestnut Teal with annotations to describe the body parts mentioned in the text
Photo of male Chestnut Teal with annotations to describe the body parts mentioned in the text

Grey Teal

Small duck with mottled grey-brown feathers and a rounded head. Tell it apart from the female Chestnut Teal by looking at its pale neck and throat.

Photo of Grey Teal with annotations to describe the body parts mentioned in the text

Pacific Black Duck

Mottled brown dabbling duck with distinctive black stripes through its eye. It also has black chin stripes and a purple/green metallic panel on its wing.


Weekend Birder episodes

Learn more about ducks and waterbirds in these short podcast episodes:

22 Darters, Teal and Grebes - with Katie

29 Sneaky Waterbirds - with Matt


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