107 Did You Spot It - with Jason


Get advice about how to help children learn about the birds around them.

This episode is about how anyone can become a birdwatcher.

Jason Rodgers combines cartooning, musicianship, and performance to introduce kids to birdwatching. He's the illustrator/author of "Did You Spot It? Noticing Birds Around Australia", a colourful kids book enjoyed by many little birdwatchers. Jason loves spending time with family and friends, spotting amazing birds in the Toowoomba Region.

Available on YouTube, your podcast app or listen below.


* Jason’s website - didyouspotit.weebly.com
* Jason on Facebook - @DidYouSpotIt
* Jason on Instagram - @did_you_spot_it
* The Big Year (film) - wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Big_Year
* Monthly Letter - subscribe
* Laughing Kookaburra recording by Marc Anderson licenced from wildambience.com


106 Ornithology - Paperback Perfumes crossover