106 Ornithology - Paperback Perfumes crossover

Elizabeth Gould by unknown artist, care of Australian Museum


Journey back to the 1800s to hear about the life of Elizabeth Gould.

This cross-over episode is about illustrations of science, colonialism, feminism and the natural beauty of birds.

Clare Presser, host of Paperback Perfumes podcast, loves storytelling and engaging her community. She merges literature and perfumery to evoke memories and new experiences. Each of her podcast episode unveils a new blend of scent and stories. Clare is also a nature-lover and fascinated by experiences that involve all of the senses.

Available on YouTube, your podcast app or listen below.


* Paperback Perfumes website - paperbackperfumes.com
* Paperback Perfumes on Instagram - @paperbackperfumes

* Melissa Ashley’s website - melissaashley.com.au
* The Bird Man’s wife on goodreads - goodreads.com/book/show/30634833-the-birdman-s-wife

* Zoologist - zoologistperfumes.com
* Liminus (Tasmania) - liminus.com.au
* Darwin - Fueguia 1833 - parfumo.com/Perfumes/Fueguia_1833/darwin-perfume


105 Birding in a Kayak - with Marian