96 Thirlmere Lakes - with Kylie


Drive one hour south of Sydney for a walk and some birdwatching.

This episode is about the joys of a local patch and listening out for the Rockwarbler.

Kylie Savidge has been a keen bird noticer since childhood when her mother would often point out birds of interest. In later years, she became more interested in noticing the birds of her community - Wollondilly Shire in SSW Sydney. Joining Birdlife and social media birding groups has expanded Kylie’s knowledge and interest in a wider diversity of Australia’s birdlife. Raptors and robins have a special place in her heart and she trusts that continuing her bird noticing will expand her list of favourite birds.

Available on your podcast app or listen below.


* Weekend Birder Google Map - weekendbirder.com/places
* Cape Barren Goose recording by Ian Woxvold (XC603281) - xeno-canto.org
* Rock Warbler recording by Greg McLachlan (XC380577) - xeno-canto.org
* Black-faced Monarch recording by Marc Anderson, licenced from wildambience.com


97 Local Big Year Celebration - with Hugh, Jo and Sophie


95 Bushfire Recovery - with Ben