78 Unexpected Moments - with McKinley
Share the delight of unexpected birding experiences.
This episode is about the joys of photography, why birds bathe, foot quivering and the Regent Honeyeater.
McKinley Moens is an 18 year-old nature photographer and ornithologist-in-the-making, based in the Blue Mountains of NSW. She has had a camera in her hand since she was three years old and has been pursuing her dream of becoming an ornithologist since she was 7. McKinley has been banding birds since she was 12 and is now an A-Class Bird Bander. Her photographic achievements thus far include being a 6-time finalist in the Australian Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year competition (including being awarded 2023 Junior Runner-up) and also a 5-time finalist in the BirdLife Australia Photography Awards.
Available on your podcast app or listen below.
Photographs featured in the episode

Video featured in the episode
Slow-motion footage of an adult female Red-capped Plover ‘foot quivering’ - McKinley Moens
* McKinley’s website - mckinleymoens.photography
* McKinley on Facebook - @mckinleymoensphotography
* McKinley on Instagram - @mckinleymoensphotography
* Regent Honeyeater Project - regenthoneyeater.org.au
* Regent Honeyeater recordings were by Ross Crates - xeno-canto.org