109 Tasmania - with Ramit


Adventure to Australia’s southern island.

This episode is about the joy of being a birdwatching tour guide, the fun of pelagics and the wilds of Tasmania.

Ramit Singal has been interested in natural history ever since he was a kid. He is passionate about citizen science and enabling people to observe and love nature. Ramit also works as a nature tour guide in Tasmania. This allows him to share his love of birds and animals, as well as the places they live in, with others.

Available on YouTube, your podcast app or listen below.


* Weekend Birder Hobart Meet-up - weekendbirder.com/monthly-letter
* Ramit’s website - ramitsingal.com
* Ramit’s entries on xeno-canto - xeno-canto.org/contributor/FPDBIILGCX
* Ramit on Instagram - @ramitsingal
* The Most Perfect Thing: Inside (and Outside) a Bird's Egg is a book by Tim Birkhead - nokomis.com.au/product/new-books/birds/perfect-thing-inside-outside-birds-egg/
* Birding Pal - birdingpal.org


108 Birds on Farms - with Shannon