02 Peregrine Falcons - with Victor


Hear about the Peregrine Falcons that live at 367 Collins Street in Melbourne’s CBD.

This episode is about Peregrine Falcons - how to identify them, what they eat, where they live and how a community comes together to watch the birds that live at the top of a tall building in Collins Street, in the heart of Melbourne.

As a wildlife ecologist, Dr Victor Hurley has conducted studies on a wide range of animals in many different environments. This has included radio tracking Carpet Pythons on the Murray River, leading an expedition to research goshawks on Christmas Island, oublishing the first ever manual on techniques for carving new hollows in standing trees for cockatoos and leading an expedition to the Strzelecki Desert to investigate diets of raptors. Victor currently works in the Victorian mallee as a Fire Ecologist and a Planning Officer in Emergency Incident Management Teams for Forest Fire Management Victoria. The Victorian Peregrine Project is a personal hobby that Victor started... which seemed like a good idea at the time.

Available on your podcast app or listen below.


* 367 Collins Falcon Watchers Facebook group - @367collinsfalcons
* Birdlife Australia - Victorian Peregrine Falcon Project - https://birdlife.org.au/locations/barg/vpp


03 Beginner Tips - with Georgia


01 How to Start Birding - with Merrilyn