88 Two Birders Two Bikes Return - with Cezary and Leo


Catch up with Cezary and Leo as they head for home.

This episode is about two friends and who are riding their bikes around Australia to raise money and see as many birds as possible.

Leo Norman and Cezary Carmichael are on the road, on two wheels, on a grand adventure. The plan is to spend their gap year riding the country and enjoying birdwatching along the way. They are combining their efforts to document the unique cultural and ecological importance of birds in Australia whilst helping to build two schools in Timor Leste.

Available on your podcast app or listen below.


* How to donate to Spend it Well (mention Weekend Birder) - spenditwell.com/6730-2/
* Two Birders Two Bikes on Instagram - @twobirderstwobikes
* Cezary and Leo’s eBird profile - https://ebird.org/profile/MTA2NzU5NQ/AU
* Weekend Birder map of places to visit - weekendbirder.com/places
* Noisy Scrubbird recording by Marc Anderson, licenced from wildambience.com
* Black Grasswrens recording by Nigel Jackett (XC324921) - xeno-canto.org/species/Amytornis-housei
* Princess Parrots recording by Nigel Jackett (XC94034) - xeno-canto.org/species/Polytelis-alexandrae


89 Brush-turkeys - with Ann


87 Where Song Began - with Tim