80 Two Birders Two Bikes - with Cezary and Leo


Adventure around Australia with two passionate birders on a gap year.

This episode is about the highs and lows of riding a pushbike 15,000km around Australia to see as many birds as possible in one year.

Leo Norman and Cezary Carmichael are on the road, on two wheels, on a grand adventure. The plan is to spend their gap year riding the country and enjoying birdwatching along the way. They are combining their efforts to document the unique cultural and ecological importance of birds in Australia whilst helping to build a school in Timor Leste.

Available on your podcast app or listen below.


* Imagine if every Weekend Birder listener donated $10 to Cezary and Leo’s fundraising effort? That’s over $50,000. Let’s do this - spenditwell.com/6730-2/
* Two Birders Two Bikes on Instagram - @twobirderstwobikes
* Cezary and Leo’s eBird profile - https://ebird.org/profile/MTA2NzU5NQ/AU

  • Coming soon!


81 Birdwatching in WA - with Jeremy


79 Latham’s Snipe - with Birgita