51 Introduction to Shorebirds - with Jeremy

Jeremy is crouched down in a rocky bushy location. He is checking the night camera attached to a small branch.

Marvel at the diverse range of shorebirds that hang out in Australia each year.

This episode is about watching and identifying shorebirds, including sandpipers and the Bar-tailed Godwit.

Jeremy Ringma is a Shorebird Project Coordinator at BirdLife Australia. His work involves collecting shorebird survey data in order to assess population trends and support conservation efforts. He also runs workshops to help the community become citizen scientists. Jeremy grew up in Brisbane, where he completed his undergraduate studies and PhD on Australian predator threatened mammals. He started ‘birding’ properly in his early twenties after being interested in wildlife as a kid.

Available on your podcast app or listen below.


* BirdLife Australia - Migratory Shorebirds - birdlife.org.au/programs/migratory-shorebirds/
* BirdLife Australia - Migratory Shorebird Identification Booklet - www.birdsaustralia.com.au/documents/Shorebird_ID_Booklet_V3
* BirdLife WA website - birdlife.org.au/groups/birdlife-wa/
* BirdLife WA on Facebook - @birdlifewa
* BirdLife WA on Instagram - @birdlifewa
* Bar-tailed Godwit recording by Seth Bueadrealt (XC836475) - xeno-canto.org
* Bar-tailed Godwit recording by Nigel Jackett (XC) - xeno-canto.org

  • Coming soon!


52 Orange-bellied Parrots - with Jenny


50 Birds with Personality - with Georgia